Information Graphic


For the assignment, we were instructed to choose a system that would increase a cognitive load and create an Information or Explanation Graphic in order to relay the given information most effectively. Researching ideas, I came up with the idea regarding the film industry. Bouncing from site to site, I came across an article written by John Campea titled, “Economics Of The Movie Theater – Where The Money Goes And Why It Costs Us So Much.” Reading this article, I became interested in a portion titled, “1) Who Gets What From Your $10 Ticket?”. Within this section, Campea discusses the percentages in which ticket sales go to within the span of the first four weeks a movie releases into theaters.

Because the information that I gathered included quantitative data, data that may increase the cognitive load, I knew that I wanted to include graphics that made it easy to decipher. An effective graphic that we had been introduced to was a pie-chart and I decided to take a twist on the classic pie chart and replace the typical circle with the shape of a movie ticket. In each ticket, representing “Week 1,” “Weeks 2-3,” and “Week 4” that a movie is released in theaters and colored sections of the ticket either blue, representing the percentage of ticket sales that go to the theater itself, and orange, representing the percentage of ticket sales that go to the film distributers. Although only including the percentages and colors in the graphics, I added text to the Information Graphic. On the right of each graphic I included text to further explain what each graphic was displaying.

Looking through Shriver’s Model, I include that I utilized the Complimentary Model. While the text explains the information I decided to convey while using the graphics alongside to compliment the text and allowing the audience to actually view the increase in money a theater would obtain throughout the span of four weeks.

The information that I obtained this information is found here:

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