One Subject InfoGraphic

Natural Disaster_6

When trying to decide what I was going to research for my One Subject Infographic, I was not sure what I was going to do. Randomly searching the internet for information, I came across something regarding natural disasters. Researching further, I tried to find the number of natural disasters per year for a ten year period, I found it easier to find the lives affected by natural disasters.

Gathering quantitative data, I was able to construct a graph depicting the number of reported fatalities caused by world-wide natural disasters. Using Google Table, I found it very easy to organize this data and construct a bar graph. Another crucial part of this assignment was to find qualitative data that is relevant to the quantitative data I found. Researching natural disasters, throughout the years 2001 and 2011, I found which prominent natural disasters took place in which years.

After creating the graph and gathering my qualitative information, It took a little bit to figure out how I was going to display both of these in a single graphic. At first, underneath each each year on the x-axis that had a corresponding natural disaster, I added text boxes that contained what tragic event took place (i.e. an earthquake or a tornado) and where this event took place. Once completing this, I though I was done however after examining my new graphic, I found that the copious amount of writing was really harsh on the cognitive load and decided to start from scratch.

Again, I created a graph and I decided to replace the confusing text boxes with smaller graphics that would represent which type of natural disaster I was referring to. The four natural disasters that were included in my graphic include flood, earthquake, tsunami, and hurricane/tornado. Searching the internet for appropriate graphics, I was able to find four similar, small, simple logos that represented each disaster. Underneath each logo I was able to add small text that included which country each of these events took place and in order to avoid confusion, I added leader-line to connect the small graphics with the corresponding years.

Throughout the process of connecting qualitative data and quantitative data together in one graphic that could convey information as well as attractive, I found it to be pretty difficult. It took any rough drafts and formats until I was able to come up with the completed assignment however I believe that many trials are necessary for creating the best graphic possible.

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